
Milner Art Gallery

The Print Farm Show
September 3 - 30, 2002

The peaceful setting of the University Farm was the backdrop for ten weeks of exploration and experimentation by eight artists, Teresa Halkow, Louise Jenkins, Pat Jobb, Tarra Kongsrude, Monika Koch, Rita Lock, Cathy Scott and Marlena Wyman, led by instructor Ron Wigglesworth.

The Print Farm Show is the result of the work of these eight students enrolled in the Advanced Printmaking course offered by the University of Alberta Department of Extension, in the Printmaking Studio located at the University Farm campus.

Each of the artists had worked previously with various printmaking methods, and this class allowed for further exploration of the familiar as well as experimentation in less familiar techniques. Previous classes had furnished the students with the basic tools of the printmaking process, and that knowledge gave the artists the confidence to investigate further and accept both the disappointments and joys that came with this.

This class also resulted in the development of a community of artists who offered technical and aesthetic suggestions to each other, and supported each other's printmaking ventures. This community not only made for a secure and comfortable atmosphere for creativity, but also generated a shared excitement of discovery. The studio was often filled with exclamations of delight as a student pulled a print and all gathered around to view the result. Spontaneous critiques offered suggestions in an atmosphere of support.

This created an unusual learning situation in that the teaching process was more than instructor to students. The learning also took place student to student. Although the artistic community was a strong element of the class, it was also interesting to see how the individual voice developed in each artist's work. Both Ron's and fellow student's encouragement pushed the participants to take risks and explore the media further, which resulted in a very successful and stimulating learning and creative experience.

From left to right: Cathy Scott, Marlena Wyman, Tarra Kongsrude, Ron Wigglesworth, Teresa Halkow, Monika Koch, Louise Jenkins, Rita Lock and Pat Jobb.


Pat Jobb

Field of Dreams
Louise Jenkins

Summer View
Cathy Scott

Frog Palace
Louise Jenkins

Queen of Spades
Teresa Halkow

Pat Jobb

The Kissing Carp
Tarra Kongsrude

A Good Book
Rita Lock

Stone Guardian
Ron Wigglesworth

Botanical Heart
Marlene Wynam


Goddess Kuan Yin
Tarra Kongsrude

Tree-logy II
Monika Koch

Tree-logy III
Monika Koch

Botanical Heart
Specimen Cabinet

Marlene Wyman