
The Bramley-Moore family: Notes on photos, 1900 - 1930

Date: 1900 to 1930

Miss Mary Crawford – Victoria High School, 1920’s – 1930’s. She taught History, etc. (Social Studies). She was a very active member of the CFF(?) and took great interest in Provincial Politics.
E.C. Davis – Victoria High – literature, dramatics. He really made Shakespeare, et al come alive for us. He put on a professional performance each year at the Empire Theatre (103 Street, north of Jasper). If you were one of the chosen students for the cast you were not only thrilled but also respected and honored by all. Tommy Dalkin and I formed a partnership on the stage.

Miss Kathleen (?) Teskey – French (very demure dainty, efficient – respected by all.

Capt. Toverton – I believe Cadets – Physics (Hate to admit I had them both, but remember little of their subjects.)
Capt. Balfour – Geometry, etc.

All the above taught at Victoria High in the 1920’s and probably 30’s.

Dr. Dickie was at the Normal School the year it was in the Highlands School (about 1922?) I never knew her personally but I know she was teaching at the U of A. She wrote books and was highly respected. Mrs. Sam Anderson (Chauoin) was at McKay Avenue about 1917. I believe a Phys Ed teacher. My eldest sister had her and admired her.

Lila Batchelda at McKay 1908-1922. She taught Grade 5-7 (I had her 2 years, Grade 6, and 7). The picture of her was taken when she was on playground duty, at recess in the Girl’s Playground. In those days the girls playground was on the south of the building and the boys’ on the east side.

The group of students (Was it on the steps of Victoria High?) was helping in the kitchen during the Flu Epidemic in 1918. I believe they were Grade XI students at Vic. As I recall the picture besides my sister Laura, there was Anna Burgess, Isobel McMillan. However my sister gave a large picture of them to the City Archives and she had named all the girls. Miss Alberta Hastie taught Home Ec. For one year at McKay (about 1919?) then the Normal School in Camrose and the U. of A. She is retired and in Victoria.