
School in Cromdale, by Nora Moore, early 1930s

I was twelve years old at the end of Grade 5 and we were in the Cromdale district. The Principal who was somewhat fearsome to my mind (scared me) was not often in my class because we had an excellent teacher, so I really didn't know him well, and was considered as a good student (sissy by many of my classmates). I loved school. My principal interest for recreation was painting and that year I was encouraged to submit a painting I did for the Edmonton Exhibition - it won a prize (6 silver dollars) which I could not collect, because my brother and I were sent to my aunt's farm for summer vacation to give my mom a break.

When I got to grade six and asked for my prize, the Principal handed me the silver dollars, and when I saw my painting on the wall behind me, I asked for my painting back. He refused to give it to me. I was too shy and scared to press the point and took my six dollars and cried all the way home. I don't recall telling my mother about this, but couldn't figure that out for many years.

As a grown up I realize that was a mistake because he had it in a very nice frame, which he must have paid for. Perhaps I should have been flattered, but I still secretly hope it disintegrated as some art teachers tell me it might have done because water colors don't usually last when put on thickly as my paint was.