
The Toboggan Slide, An Edmonton childhood memoir from the 1940s, by Helen Murchie

At one time there was a toboggan slide on the north side of Edmonton's Saskatchewan river which flourished in the war years. At night it was brightly lit up. It cascaded in two chutes from the top of the river bank. You went under a set of bridges and ended up half way across the river. It was very dark down on the river and the air crisp and fresh. You had a clear view of the stars and the moon and everything was very quiet. Looking back you could see the lights from the slide which sparkled from the snow on the river bank.

At the top of the bank was a cabin where you could dance to "Elmer's Tune" and other current pieces on the Wurlitzer. Then the long walk back across the ice to the south bank through the dark bush and trees up the hill was enough to test the strength of a mountain man. Not only that you had to walk home again.
